At St Cuthbert Mayne, PSHE is at the core of what we do and it is underpinned by our values and Catholic ethos. Our PSHE curriculum prepares our children to live and learn in a Catholic, Christian environment now and in the future. PSHE develops the qualities and attributes our children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. Our PSHE programme aims for all children to build their capacity for learning and to equip them for life.
We believe that PSHE plays a vital part of Primary education and our Catholic values, therefore PSHE is taught discretely across the school. Teachers use ‘Jigsaw PSHE’ to support them with planning and are guided and supported by the PSHE and RE leads to adapt aspects of the programme to ensure it is in keeping with our Catholic ethos. During the year, children will focus on the six areas of Being Me, Celebrating Differences, Changing Me, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, and Relationships. Each year group will focus on a different aspect of the topic so that children gain a deeper understanding as they progress through the school.
Every PSHE lesson includes a ‘calm me’ activity, which helps children gain awareness of the activity in their minds, relaxing them and quietening their thoughts and emotions to a place of optimum learning capacity. This will also engender a peaceful atmosphere within the classroom. Throughout the lesson there are opportunities for the children to engage in discussion, as a whole class, with a partner or in a group. Although PSHE is taught discretely, links to PSHE are also made across the wider curriculum. Strong links are made to our learning in RE to support the children as Christians now and in the future. PSHE may also be taught in response to individual or class needs or specific eventualities, where teachers feel it is necessary.
We also engage in national themed weeks and days throughout the year for example; Anti-bullying week and Safer Internet Day. Where possible we also use outside agencies to enhance our children’s learning in PSHE for example: The NSPCC, Police, Fire Service, skipping, drumming and dancing workshops.
PSHE at St Cuthbert Mayne Children reflect on their learning and record a response in their PSHE book. The emphasis is on their understanding of the issues and how they might react to different situations. The PSHE lead monitors the impact of the PSHE curriculum through discussion with staff, pupil voice, and book looks.