All good things must come to end – and so the curtain falls on the academic year 2023-24. Schools are, by their very nature, extremely busy places. It would be impossible to summarise the highlights of the year here; I suppose the Newsletters serve as a pretty good account of what we’ve been up to. This week has provided some opportunities for our Y6 leavers to reflect on not just the year that has passed, but on their entire journey through St Cuthbert Mayne. On Tuesday Year 6 went to Wintershall for a day of reflection. They decorated coasters bearing their name, which they then collected during the Leavers’ Mass on Wednesday. The first reading from Isaiah focused on this theme:
“The Lord who created you says, “Do not be afraid—I will save you. I have called you by name—you are mine. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you. For I am the Lord your God, the holy God of Israel, who saves you.”
We are truly proud of our Year 6 children and all that they have achieved with us. We look forward to hearing of their successes in their next schools and beyond!

As I write I can hear the dulcet tones of the Crazy Frog drifting down the corridor from this year’s St Cuthbert Mayne’s Got Talent show. Talent shows are by definition eclectic, and this year’s is no exception. Well done to all the children for their incredible performances and thank you to Mrs Newland for organising the show and to our fabulous judging panel – Miss Walker (Jazzy), Mrs Walker and Miss Loveder.
I wrote recently about staff members who leave us at the end of this term: Miss Rowe, Mrs Robertson, Mrs Szeremeta and Ms White have all impacted the lives of our children in countless ways each day. In the busyness of daily school life it is easy to forget that we have been called to serve these children and help them grow; it truly is a great privilege. We thank them for their service.
I am also moving to pastures new in September. I’ve been bowled over by all the kind messages that I’ve received in recent days. I’m staying in the Xavier family, so I’m pleased to be able to maintain links with St Cuthbert Mayne, and of course I still have another year here as a parent. I’m sure there will be a lump in my throat as I close the gate for the final time.
Recently we welcomed next year’s Reception Parents for an information evening. Sending your eldest child to school for the first time is such an exciting, yet nerve-wracking time – most of us will remember that feeling very well. I would like to thank the staff for the dedication that they show to your children throughout the year. The job of the teacher is not an easy one, but it is thoroughly rewarding. Parents are their children’s first educators, and we are incredibly grateful to you for working with us in your children’s best interests throughout the year. Thank you also to our Governors for the work that they do behind the scenes to ensure a smooth direction of travel for our school.
This school and all its families will be forever in my prayers. All that remains is for me to do is to wish you a very blessed and peaceful summer holiday.
Mr Thomas Hall
Head of School