The school was very quiet this morning with everybody out at their various events. It certainly was a busy day at St Cuthbert Mayne.
The sun was certainly shining for our KS1 Sports Day today! The children had a wonderful time in the sun and were spurred on by all of your wonderful support – thank you. It was great to see all of the children working together and showing off their sports skills! Thank you to Mr Good, Year 6, Glebelands Sports Captains and all of the adults for working together to make sure that the morning ran smoothly.
Year 5 were also out today at Wintershall where they had a fabulous day of immersing themselves in the Life of Christ. Thank you to parents who volunteered to join us for the trip – we really couldn’t do it without you!
Summer Fair
The Summer Fair is this Sunday (23rd June)! It will be great to see you all there from 12-3pm. Please take a look at the amazing raffle prizes- tickets can be purchased here before Sunday. The schedule for the day is outlined below:
Noon Fair begins
12:30 Boogie Pumps Performance
13:00 Bake-Off & Cake Raffle
13:30 Dog Show, judged by Brookmead Vets
14:00 Race, led by Everyone Active
14:15 Football match, led by Planet Soccer
Uniform We are happy to confirm the details of our new uniform supplier Mapac. Please see their welcome letter. Please note our secondary uniform supplier Unismart will be in school next Tuesday (25th June) from 2.00pm selling the remaining items of their supply at a competitive price.
PE Kit
Please ensure that your children are wearing a purple t-shirt with the school badge. Black PE shorts should be of an appropriate length i.e. mid-thigh. No hot-pants please!
Finally, a special treat for this lovely weather. Moooh! - owned and operated by a past pupil – are running a £2 Tuesday offer! Every Tuesday, until 19th July, Moooh! will be selling £2 one scoops.
Head of School
Mr Thomas Hall