Many, many thanks for your continued generosity.
Over many years, Cranleigh residents have been very keen supporters of the shoebox campaigns, a keenness that reflects a well-known human fact that “There are two beneficiaries associated with every gift, namely the recipient and the donor’. Indeed, in the case of gift-filled shoeboxes for children, there is usually a further humanitarian benefit, namely that donors’ children can be directly involved in the gift-selection and packing actions and so, most likely, increase their appreciation of the existence of ‘less privileged children’.
It might be asked why Rotary has this year chosen Irpin in Ukraine (adjacent to Kyiv) as the principal beneficiary community for our campaign, which campaigns for many years were directed at a then quite impoverished Romania. However, over the past 18 months or so, Cranleigh has developed many direct family links with residents of that area of Ukraine. This quite recent situation was founded principally on the fact the residents of the Irpin area, and its neighbouring city Bucha, were subjected to intense military bombing and murders in early 2022, and the fact that there has been a Cranleigh-Irpin family link for several years
Eight local schools were able to participate this year and their total number of gift-filled shoeboxes amounted to 365, with a further 60 or so added by members of local churches or other bodies/individuals in the community.
Again, many, many thanks to all participants.
Eight local schools which donated about 365 boxes:
Cranleigh C of E Primary; Park Mead Primary; Cranleigh Preparatory; Cranleigh School;
St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary; Glebelands County Secondary; Rikkyo; Duke of Kent.