It has been great to see so many parents and carers this week at parents’ meetings. I hope you all found it useful to spend a bit of time with your child’s class teacher and hear about all the progress that they’ve been making at school since the start of the year.
It feels like there’s been a lot happ
ening on the sports front this term – on Tuesday some of our Year 5 and 6 children took part in a Dodgeball competition at Rodborough School. To say that we emerged victorious doesn’t begin to describe the level of determination and teamwork on show.
Once again our Year 6 pupils excelled themselves by offering a very warm welcome to visiting prospective parents on Tuesday during our open morning. If you have a child who is due to start in Reception class next academic year, please make contact with Mrs Morrison in the school office.
In the week after half term there are meetings for parents of children in Keystage 1 and Early Years. For Reception parents and those in KS1 who are new to the school there is a meeting about how you can support your children with their Phonics learning at home – this is a key meeting as it pre-empts lots of questions that you might have in the future about your child’s progress with Phonics. We are also using a scheme to support KS1 and EYFS with their Maths learning called Mastering Number at Home. Meeting timings are below:
30 October 5pm - Phonics & Maths Meeting parents and carers of Reception pupils & new KS1 pupils
1 November 5pm – Maths Meeting parents & carers of Y1 & Y2 pupils
I do hope you will be able to attend these meetings, as they will be a great benefit in terms of finding out how you can support your children with their learning at home.
It will certainly feel like winter is coming once the clocks go back over half term. It is so important that our children return well-rested after next week – the second half of this term is the longest in the academic year, so we all need good levels of stamina!
God bless,
Thomas Hall, Head of School