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ICT (Computing)

E-safety is taught each half term, at the beginning of each unit of work. E-safety is a particular focus both in Anti-Bullying Week and Safer Internet Day each year. Children are taught about the importance of keeping themselves and their personal information safe online and begin to develop an understanding of the different opportunities that can be used safely when exploring online resources.

Computing is taught as a discrete subject in Year 1-6 whilst in Early Years it is part of the children’s continuous provision. Children use a variety of technology resources, including laptops, Bee Bots and other devices, to develop their skills. Children develop their understanding of programming, digital literacy, e-safety, use of online resources and their understanding of the use and application of technology in line with the National Curriculum.

Key Stage One

Children are taught to understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions. They have opportunities to create and debug simple programs and develop the skills to use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs. Children also learn to use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content within the school network.

Key Stage Two

Children develop their understanding of computer networks and begin to understand how the internet works; how search engines find the information that we are looking for and how connected our digital world is. Children design, write, debug and improve programs on digital devices and learn how to make their code as efficient as possible. Children further develop their logical reasoning to explain how simple programs work. As children move through the school, they learn to select the appropriate software to complete a given task to the best of their abilities.

ICT (Computing) Curriculum Map - find out more about your child's learning in ICT (Computing) throughout their time at St. Cuthbert Mayne.